Monday, August 29, 2011

Esme Speak's

Esme is beginning to stretch her little vocal chords.  She is doing a very good job of letting me know what she wants with her actions and she is also working hard on being able to communicate with her voice.  Of course, I think she is the most brilliant child ever but that may be a little personal bias.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Esme at the Pool

The title is more exciting than the video actually is...I have been meaning to get more video of Esme at the pool but we live in Seattle so our sunshine is limited.  Anyway, I wanted to get this up before the summer is over...

Monday, August 15, 2011

A visit from Faith and Esme rides a bike!

Last week we were very fortunate to get a visit from my wonderful niece Faith.  She was up here all week and took great care of Esme.  We even got out for a couple of walks!  Thanks Faith!

Then the other night we were at our good friend's having dinner and chatting and Esme took it upon herself to get her helmet on and try to ride this bike!  She is quite the overachiever since you can tell from the video that the helmet is still a little too heavy, let alone the bike.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Esme Helps out Around the House

Esme has become quite the helper.  She is always willing to clean up after herself and she always wants to help her dad clean up.  And I am not being sarcastic, she really is a great cleaner.  Here's the proof.

Monday, August 1, 2011

An oldie but a goodie

So, I was looking back through some of my pictures and decided that I had to post these ones.  They are from a few months ago but I thought the last one was too funny not to post.  On our walks we usually pass a little wooden bridge.  One day Esme decided that she wanted to start climbing on it and these photo's ensued...

This the one I had to put in.  I was busy getting great photo's for the blog while Esme was busy taking a little baby's were injured in the making of this post :)